Saturday, November 27, 2010

Com. JG retires

Com.J.Gurumurthy is retiring from the services of United India Insurance Co. on 30.11.2010.  A felicitation function has been arranged at Chennai on 04.12.2010.  Besides Com.Amanulla Khan (President, AIIEA) & Com. K.Venu Gopal (General Secretary, AIIEA) and other leaders, Com.A.K.Padmanabhan (President, CITU) are attending the programme.  The Invitation for the programme and a Profile of Com. JG are sent in the attachment herein.  A copy of JG's photo is also sent in the attachment as requested by some of the units.
We are happy to inform you that in the Diamond Jubilee Year 22nd General Conference of AIIEA held at New Delhi (Nov.20 to 24, 2010), Com.J.Gurumurthy has been re-elected as Joint Secretary of AIIEA & Secretary of Standing Committee (Genl Insurance) for the ensuing term. Please check, password: orientalanand for invitation and circular regarding the function.
G Anand
General Secretary,
GIEA, South Zone
Mob: 09444904157


  1. Congratulations for GIEA-sz for having new blogspot. I feel TUs should utilise all avenues for opinion building in favour of toiling masses. It will be useful for educating our leading cadres also.

    General Secretary-SZIEF

  2. Thanks for your message comrade. It is really heartening that comrades like you are visitor of our blog.
